The 2024 Safety Production Knowledge Competition has come to a successful conclusion!
Date:2024-07-02 15:12:59

June 2024 is the 23rd China's "Safety ProductionMonth". We focus on the theme of safety production, and throughtheoretical and on-site practical knowledge competitions, we aim to strengthenemployees' safety awareness and improve their safety skills, aiming to build astrong line of defense for every worker's life.


Theoretical   knowledge Competition

On June 26th, a theoretical knowledge test wasconducted for 190 people in the conference hall on the second floor of XianheOffice Building, and 6 of them achieved a high score of 100 poin.


on site practical competition

On June 29th, 18 elite representatives from differentdepartments gathered in the conference hall to participate in the on-sitepractical competition. The competition was extremely intense, and each team didtheir best to achieve the final victory. The enthusiasm of the staff watchingthe game was also ignited, actively participating.

Let's get to know 18 elite teams

Three major stages of on-site competition

Required answer section

Each contestant must answer a total of 3questions for each team (each person is required to answer 1 question, eachquestion is 10 points, and each question is limited to 60 seconds). 10 pointswill be added for each correct answer, and no points will be awarded forincorrect, incorrect, or overdue answers.

Answering session

After the host finishes reading the questions andannounces the start of the quiz, each team can participate in the quiz. Therepresentative team that lights up first will have the right to answer thequestions, with an additional 10 points per question for correct answers and adeduction of 10 points per question for incorrect answers, non answers, andovertime answers. Each question is limited to 30 seconds

Risk link

Each team decides whether to answer or not, and eachquestion has different scores, including 10 points, 20 points, and 30 points;Correct answer will earn corresponding points, incorrect answer, no answer, andtimeout will deduct corresponding point.

Required questions, urgentquestions, and risk   questions, each team's style

Finally, under the rigorousevaluation of three scoring personnel, and based on the pre competition rules(theoretical average score of each team accounts for 50%+practical averagescore of 50%), one team first prize winner will be selected from thestatistical group - Youth Team; Four second prize winners for the group,respectively from the Procurement Department - Mount Taishan Team,Manufacturing Department I PM27- Excellence Team, Electrical InstrumentDepartment - Electrical Safety Guard Team, and Finance Department - GoldenAbacus Team; Five third prize winners from the Public Resources SecurityDepartment - Public Security Team, Production Technology Department - SafetyKoi Team, Domestic Sales Department - Vanguard Team, Technical InspectionDepartment - Prevention Vanguard Team, and Manufacturing a KDPM1- Smart Team.


Award ceremony and blind box selection

Group First prize

Group second prize

Group third prize

Before the competition,Director Xu said that "safety is the defense line of enterpriselife", hoping to improve the awareness of all employees in safety throughthis series of activities, and to achieve safety in everything, always thinkingabout safety, safety everywhere, and safety for everyone in future work andlife. He wishes everyone good results. After the competition, General ManagerWang made a concluding speech, fully affirmed the competition, congratulatedthe winning team, and said that safety responsibility was more important thanMount Tai. He hoped that in future work, we should remember that every day is asafety day, every week is a safety week, and every year is a safety year, sothat everyone in the company can work safely. Finally, with the song 'Wishingyou peace', the event came to a successful conclusion!