Working Together for Development and Steadily Moving Forward – Kingdecor Holds the 2024 Spring Festival Mobilization Conference
Date:2024-02-19 11:46:00

                 A new starting point, a new journey

Year and month do not dwell, the way of heavenrewards diligence. After a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival holiday, allemployees gathered together to hold a groundbreaking meeting, and we, as a family,were happy and full of vitality. This also means that all work in 2024 willfully enter a normal state.

The conference first held the "2023Award Ceremony". Commend individuals and teams who have achievedoutstanding results. They have made outstanding contributions to thedevelopment of the company in their respective positions with high professionalethics and dedication. Their stories are the best embodiment of our company'sspirit and a powerful driving force on our path forward. Every award is arecognition of the hard work of the past year, as well as a motivation andmotivation for future work. Thank you for your hard work, kindness,bravery, and willingness to help others. Thank you for setting a very goodexample for our kingdecor team in the past 2023.

2023 Annual Awards Ceremony

Excellent Machine Award

Production champion team

Mechatronics and Instrumentation ChampionTeam

Excellent testing team, logistics winning team

In the firsthalf of the year, the second half of the year, the award will be unveiled.

Excellent Employee Award

Skills Competition Group Award and IndividualAward

award for rationalization proposals

Moral Model Award

Discovery Expert Award

Signing ceremony for middle and seniormanagement

Senior management anddepartment managers of the company sign the "Job ResponsibilityAgreement"

New Year's Speech

Working together for development andsteadily advancing the enterprise; Carrying on the past and starting from thefuture, practicing internal skills, becoming bigger and stronger, and alsobecoming more refined. After nearly 20 years of ups and downs,  Kingdecor has developed into the largestdecorative paper production base in the world. Such achievements cannot beseparated from the hard work, dedication, and dedication of every Kingdecor  cadre and employee. It is not easy for us toachieve the current results.

"The road is long, but if we keep walking,we will reach our destination; things are difficult, but if we keep working, wewill succeed!" We must maintain a long-term hardworking work style andadhere to the concept of "customer-centric" and"people-oriented" to jointly build Kingdecor into a long-term globalleading position; we must insist on making "safety first, improvingproduct quality, improving customer service quality, reducing return rates, andstrictly controlling costs" our top priority! We hope that all ouremployees can enhance their cost awareness and service awareness. Kingdecor isour "home!" Only when Kingdecor is good will all of us, the people ofKingdecor, be better! The development and growth of Kingdecor is our commonmission and responsibility! Let us continue to uphold the hardworking,tireless, dedicated, and professional spirit we had during the early days ofour company, work together, and create new glory for Kingdecor!